Do you know the best way to create messages for social media?
- Choose the most appropriate platform.
- Choose the most creative writer.
- That’s it…there are just two steps.
Let’s say, just for instance, you want to spread the word that,
“David J. LeVant is the ideal choice for agencies and corporations who need to create ads, websites, collateral, direct mail and TV or Radio spots.”
You know right away you have too much to say for Twitter…so this is how you write that for each social network.
Just cut and paste this 95 character tweet:
@djlevant is the place for all your copywriting needs. He’s got mad skills. #copywritinggenius.
Face Book
Just cut and paste this rich media status update into your profile:
Browsing Damn, that’s one talented copywriter. Writes as naturally for TV and Radio as he does for web and traditional print.
Linked In
Just cut and paste this as a recommendation at
I’ve worked with David for years and all I can say is that he never runs out of fresh ideas or ways to get our message to the audience with maximum impact.
Whatever your medium, whatever your message, the solution is always the same.